Abortion Information and Post Abortion Care

Like any surgical or medical procedure, it’s important to ask questions and explore the options so you can make the best-informed decision for you. While we don’t perform or refer for abortions, our medical professionals and advocates are here to answer your questions.

What would you like to know about abortions?

  • There are two methods of abortion: in-clinic abortion and the abortion pill, also known as RU-486. The pill can be taken up to 10 weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP) of pregnancy.

  • Reputable medical research and expert opinion cite significant short and long-term risk factors associated with abortion.

  • Some potential physical risks* are:

    • FDA black box warning: “Warning: Serious and sometimes fatal infections and bleeding.”

    • Infection

    • Undiagnosed ectopic (tubal) pregnancy

    • Failed abortion

    • Risk of fetal malformations

    *Medical studies that support risk factors cited can be found in Before You Decide, © 2018 Care Net

  • Some potential surgical risks* are:

    • Increased breast cancer risks for those who have had an abortion

    • Uterus damage

    • Increased risk of delivering prematurely in future births, which is associated with cerebral palsy, as well as all other newborn complications (respiratory, bowel, brain, and eye problems)

    • Infection that can lead to infertility and risk for ectopic pregnancy

    • Death

    *Medical studies that support risk factors cited can be found in Before You Decide, © 2018 Care Net

  • No one can tell you how you are going to feel. Every person is different. Some individuals report negative emotions after abortions that linger, unresolved. For some, problems related to their abortion emerge months or even years later. There is evidence that abortion is associated with a decrease in long-term emotional and physical health. In line with the best available research, you should be informed that abortion significantly increases the risk for:

    • Clinical depression and anxiety

    • Drug and alcohol abuse

    • Symptoms consistent with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

    • Suicidal thoughts and behavior

    We have helped many women and men in the Ottawa area overcome their feelings of shame and regret associated with abortion, many who have carried it for decades. Contact us confidentially if you have an abortion in your past and are looking for hope and healing.

Hope and Healing Post Abortion Care

If you have had an abortion in your past, the first thing we want you to know is that you are loved and you matter. Your past choices do not change the fact that you are loved, and you matter. We have helped women and men who were haunted by their past choice to get an abortion. They carried their secret for many years (many for decades) and suffered from guilt, shame, and depression. We’re here to help. The past doesn’t define who you are. There is hope and there is healing. Reach out to us or schedule an appointment if you’d like to know more.

Emily, a former LifeCare client shares her story of healing:

“Healing from a place of brokenness (a past abortion and other hurts) was something I thought I would never be able to do. From being lost, confused, hurting, and terrified of my future, the staff at Lifecare helped bring hope into my life. If you've never told anyone about your abortion, I want you to know there are people you haven’t met who want to know you and hear your story. At Lifecare I have met the greatest women who've helped guide me in my healing journey. Sharing my story was way beyond something I thought I’d ever do, but now I know that you and your story of healing have a greater purpose.”